Saturday, January 7, 2012

Dark Cavern (continued -its about time)

From Tocs Eloc—Tribal Legend -translation of verbal telling by Cire Darb

With blood dripping from his lips he shrieked right back at the Creatures holding his Machete out in front of him ---covered in green ooze. The Pineappleman was not going to die quietly he moved toward the Creatures --surprised by this they backed away. He pushed his advantage backing them up until only one Creature remained in front of him the other 2 moving to the side. He ran at the Creature catching it off guard thrusting the Machete into its chest sending a fountain of Green Ooze splattering over the rocks. The other two Creatures shrieked at him again. One of the Creatures moved to attack him but the other one held him back shaking his head. He glanced back with a snarl and then turning his back to them headed for the exit to the cave. They watched in silence as The Pineappleman confidently strutted out of the cave and into the sunlight.

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