Wednesday, October 12, 2011

sanctuary of Illum (Mar 6th 2007) (Prelude to the Dark Fortress)

From the writings of Cire Darb  --Historian --Myths of the Swohs Valley Elders
As they approached the steps of the palace  --the sun was fading behind the hills in the distance.  The steps of the palace were still lined with flowers—the aroma was overpowering.  They entered the palace into the room that he had been in earlier in the day---the red couch was now empty.   Candles lined the circumference of the room—making a pathway that lead into a room to the side-where the red headed girl had appeared.  The men followed the path of candles which went down a long hallway that eventually opened up into a large outdoor patio area that was already set up with long tables laden with food.   Many of the men were already seated—as were some of the girls.  The Pineappleman and his companions found seats at the candlelit feast and briefly exchanged information –but they all seemed more anxious for the food than for conversation.  
            There was no formal greeting or introductions—the feast just began.  Girls would get up from their chairs taking turns dancing and playing musical instruments –entertaining the men. Sunrise was one of the girls in charge of refilling drinks so the Pineappleman only caught her occasional glances at him –and he was not able to talk to her.  As the night went on the men lusted over both the woman and the food—it was just like heaven as Tandu had suggested.  The party lasted late into the night as finally the men began to retire to their room with female companions.
When the party was over –The Pineappleman decided to go for a walk and checked with the watchmen that were checking the outskirts of town.   He stopped to ask one of the men  "Any thing out of the ordinary?"   
"Nothing sir—not even a stray animal"
"Ok –Thanks"  The Pineappleman replied
He then returned to his room –Sunrise the little Brunette was asleep in his bed.   He laid down beside her  -sensing his presence she flung her arm over him  and then faded back to sleep.

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