Sunday, June 12, 2011

Downriver (2/11/2007)

From the writing of Nalla Mann --Bartender of the Bloody Nall Tavern

The Pineappleman and Kandu--paddled across the river to the other side as the boat with the men headed -back upriver again. They crept out of the small canoe-like boat and pulled it up onto the shore covering it with foliage to try and hide it from prying eyes in case they needed it to escape.

Kandu asked "Why did you send the boat and the rest of the men back upriver?"

The Pineappleman "The eyes that had been watching us -took off about an hour ago --probably to warn them of an approaching boat --so they will be waiting for a boat full of men and they won't be expecting just 2 men on foo coming out of the jungle. Once their spotters back upriver see the boat heading away they will be completely unprepared for what i have planned".

"And what exactly do --you have planned?" Kandu asked.

"I haven't figured that part out yet---but i always come up with something" The Pineappleman said with a smile.

"I've heard the legends of your exploits Pineappleman. I just don't want to be in the story where your legend ends" Kandu said with a concerned look.

"Trust me!! " the Pineappleman said as he took his machete out of his belt and quietly started their way through the dense jungle toward the smell of the cannibal camp.

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