Friday, June 17, 2011

Downriver (2/27/2007)

From the writing of Nalla Mann --Bartender of the Bloody Nall Tavern

Distracted by the sight the prisoners having their necks slit –he briefly had let down his guard and a spear thrust slashed into his side grazing his ribcage and staggering him. He grabbed the spear away from the warrior tossing it into the fire. Then he grabbed the warrior by the neck with his free hand and he flung the warrior into the flames as well. Two other warriors quickly grabbed the Pineappleman forcing him back towards the wall of flames –the machete dropping from his hand. They began to pummel him with punches to his already hurt ribs and he fell to the ground under their onslaught –his face inches from the burning flames. Then two shots rang out just as the warriors were about to descend on him again and they fell to the ground on either side of him. Laying on the ground with his gun in her hand was Mona. He smiled at her briefly then grabbing his machete threw it directly over her head and into the chest of a large warrior that was about to put a spear right through her skull. She screamed as the warrior fell backward to the ground a gaping wound in his sternum. The Pineappleman ran over past her placed his foot on the man's chest and forced the machete back out again. Kandu had joined them having scared off the remaining warriors on his end with his precise rifle work. He hadn't even had to unsheathe the large sword he carried strapped to his back.


"Keep her safe" the Pineappleman yelled as he ran off in the direction of the dwindling line of captives whose blood was still being spilled.

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